Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wrong Way

The media is leading the American people down a wrong road when it states reasons for abortion. We are continually being told that the majority of abortions are as a result of rape or incest. [In 2010, we know that the media no longer uses this as an excuse because they have succeeded in influencing our culture to believe that a child is a "choice".]

Look at the true facts: According to a recent survey of 1,900 women which had abortions, here are their reasons:

3% for mother's health
3% for baby's possible health problems
1% for rape or incest

93% for birth control or social reasons
of these:
-16% because of the change that a baby would cause in the mother's life
-21% not ready to accept the responsibility
-21% could not afford to raise the baby
-12% blamed a relationship problem with baby's father
-11% not mature enough
-8% already have enough children
-4% other reason

According to these statistics, it looks like there are several selfish and irresponsible people.

Have a good day!

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