Friday, May 22, 2009

My Friend

How Sweet and Awful is the Place
Isaac Watts (1674-1748)

How sweet and awful is the place
With Christ within the doors,
While everlasting love displays
The choicest of her stores.

While all our hearts and all our songs
Join to admire the feast,
Each of us cry, with thankful tongues,
"Lord, why was I a guest?"

"Why was I made to hear Thy voice,
And enter while there's room,
When thousands make a wretched choice,
And rather starve than come?"

'Twas the same love that spread the feast
That sweetly drew us in;
Else we had still refused to taste,
And perished in our sin.

Pity the nations, O our God,
Constrain the earth to come;
Send Thy victorious Word abroad,
And bring the strangers home.

We long to see Thy churches full,
That all the chosen race
May, with one voice and heart and soul,
Sing Thy redeeming grace.

My friend, why do you still refuse to come to the feast? Aren't you hungry? You have read things of the Lord here. There are links on the right side bar to preaching that will stir your soul, pierce your heart and rattle your comfortable state. You will be held accountable before the Throne one day to answer the gravest of your sins...why you refused to come? Or will you stand before the Lord with blood as white as snow, cleansed by the blood of Christ, with all that you would be held accountable for vanished? The call is there. Christ said in John 6 that anyone who would come to him, he would in no wise cast out. Again, why do you refuse to come? I still ask with an astonished tongue why was I a guest at thy feast? But by thy spirit, you drew me in. Read this hymn, read every word and taste it. Pray that He would open your eyes to see and your ears to hear His voice. Listen to the sermons and read the books posted here, pick up your Bible, for the sake of your eternal soul!

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." (Luke 11:9)

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