The American people have voted in record numbers and spoken in favor of a new President.
The result of course is not what I want or feel to be the best for our country. After the dust settles down and life returns to somewhat normal, I have to accept the decision in one of two ways:
1. Worry and fear for the next four years.
2. Continue on my course of life with full knowledge that God is on His throne and the election results are according to His providence.
We must continually choose righteousness and Godly ways of living. The road of life is still ahead of us - though the journey may have more obstacles confronting us. The goals of life are still attainable and believable. Don't give up or be in despair.
Have a good day!
(Letter written on November 4, 1992 - the day after Bill Clinton was elected to his first term as President.)
"I have never seen a problem solved, a trouble averted, or a difficulty overcome by worrying. Have you? Worry does not help you. It does not honor the Lord. It gives no credibility to the gospel. Are we believers? Is God our Father? Is Christ our Lord and Savior? If so, we have no reason to worry. We can trust the infinite wisdom of God, rest in the power of the Almighty, depend upon the goodness of our Father, rely upon his faithfulness, and count on his promises. HE WILL NEVER FAIL!" Don Fortner
When I first read this I thought he had just written this to you. Then I thought, Do you suppose..... she was in high school when Clinton was elelcted??? I don't feel that much older than you! I was hip-deep in babies then! Where were you when I needed a babysitter???!!!
ReplyDeleteThe post is perfectly applicable today. Whether we our choice for president or not!
Wow, thanks for this. Very comforting in today's society. MBC