Happy Friday!
It's also Friday the 13th (written November 13, 1992). Some people consider this date unlucky, but it's really no luckier or unluckier than any other day. A lot of it depends upon you.
I remember a Nov. 13 which was also on a Friday back when I was in the 7th grade. My teacher, Mr. Hick's wife, had a baby boy that day.
There is no such thing as a lucky day or an unlucky day - everything is predetermined by God. Does that mean we should sit down and do nothing? No way!
We are commanded to be diligent and work hard. Things seemly do come to those who look for ways to better themselves.
Put forth the effort not only today, but everyday.
Have a good day!
There are events, people and conversations in our lives that stay with us for our entire lives. I recall an event/conversation on a Saturday afternoon when I was about ten years old with Mrs. Poncer from our church. We were at the church doing our monthly cleaning of the building when we heard a big car crash on the main road in front of the church. We had just passed by that exact spot only a few minutes before. I remarked, "Wow, we sure were lucky. We just missed that." Mrs. Poncer replied, "There is no such thing as luck. Don't you know that the Lord had mercy on you? He kept you from that wreck. But if he wanted you to be in that wreck, he would have had you there at that exact moment. There is no such thing as luck." I don't know that those were her exact words, but I remember that conversation and exactly where we stood looking out Pastor Don's office door at the accident. I now repeat those same words to my children: "There is no such thing as luck." Rest in God's providential care!
Happy Friday to you all!
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