Friday, September 16, 2011

Divorce and Alzheimer's

It's been a long time, friends, since I've posted here. For that, I am truly sorry. I have been busy with many other things, but 3M is always in the back of my mind. Prepare to have more come your way. Dad is working on a new "life lessons" series that I'm sure all will enjoy. For today, I came across this article and felt it important to share. For me, personally, my grandfather died of Alzheimer's and divorce never crossed my grandmother's mind. Why would it? God is sovereign and God is good!

A Statement by Joni Eareckson Tada on Pat Robertson's comment on Divorce and Alzheimer's

“Any marriage has its challenges, but add a serious disability and they can, at times, seem overwhelming. This is why God instituted marriage as a lifelong commitment – Heaven knows it requires vows, solemn and serious, to weather a couple through the demands of disability."

“I was dismayed when this week Pat Robertson said to a nationwide audience that Alzheimer's disease is a kind of death that makes divorce justifiable. When a Christian leader views marriage on a sliding scale, what does this say to the millions of couples who must deal daily with catastrophic injuries and illnesses?"

“At the Joni and Friends International Disability Center, we encounter thousands of couples who, despite living with serious disabling conditions, showcase the grace of God in their weakness every day. Marriage is designed to be a picture of God’s sacrificial love for us. Alzheimer’s disease is never an ‘accident’ in a marriage; it falls under the purview of God’s sovereignty. In the case of someone with Alzheimer's, this means God's unconditional and sacrificial love has an opportunity to be even more gloriously displayed in a life together!”

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