"Integrity First. Service Before Self. Excellence In All We Do."
The Army created the first Air Force in 1907. The United States Air Force became a separate military service in 1947.
My Grandpa served our country during World War II as a mechanic on the P51-D (shown in the picture below). In addition, he played basketball for the Air Force, as a form of entertainment for the servicemen.
We recently enjoyed a field trip to the United States Air Force Museum in Dayton with my Grandpa. The children enjoyed the afternoon with their Great Grandpa showing them the creation and sustaining power of the Air Force, from the first flight of the Wright Brothers at the turn of the century to the sacrificial flights of the World War II pilots to modern day drones and fighter jets.
The most impressive thing to me at the museum was not the very large cargo planes or the amazing advancement in technology of a self-sustaining flying eagle, but rather the men present of the "greatest generation" reminiscing of the days long-pa
I highly recommend a visit to the museum, and if possible, take someone from the "greatest generation" along with you. We were blessed to have been able to do so.