Darius Mayse Blake
"Papaw" (1918-2005)
The song "Why" was one of my Papaw's favorite hymns.
- Why did they nail Him to Calvary's tree?
Why? tell me, why was He there?
Jesus the Helper, the Healer, the Friend
Why? tell me, why was He there? - Why should He love me, a sinner undone?
Why? tell me, why should He care?
I do not merit the love He has shown
Why? tell me, why should He care? - Why should I linger afar from His love?
Why? tell me, why should I fear?
Somehow I know I should venture and prove
Why? tell me, why should I fear?
- All my iniquities on Him were laid
He nailed them all to the tree
Jesus the debt of my sin fully paid
He paid the ransom for me.
Daddy would have liked this - thank you for posting it. Mom