Respect towards others is noticed by others. We are in need of continual reminding to hold up others.
Much more important is our attitude toward God. This third commandment deals not only with our tongues in disrespect towards Him, but also what our true feelings are about Him.
Whatever proceeds out of the mouth is an indication of what we have in our heart.
God is to be honored and glorified with our very being. He only is worthy!
Have a good day!
My children do not have a complete understanding of the reasoning behind the rule in our house of "watching your tongue." This is particularly the case when every time they go outside to play, the neighbor kids are using the words that we do not use. It is so important to be "different" from the world; to be aware of what proceeds from our mouth (not just taking the Lord's name in vain), but more importantly what captures the affections of our heart. Is it the things of this world or an heavenward focus? Praying for the latter for our children is paramount to life!