With the use of radar detectors, many often break the speed limits, but the beeping and lights alert the driver of speed checks ahead.
There are no detectors that protect people from breaking any law from the all-knowing God. He sees each and every action.
The first commandment tells us that we are not to have any other gods before Him.
He wants us to fully submit ourselves to Him. He is Lord!! Anyone or anything that has control of us, our thinking, and our very being is our God!
What or who is your God?
Have a good day!
"I have purposed it, I will also do it" (Isaiah 46:11)
(Read also I Kings 18:21-40)
To declare, as many do, that God's plan has been frustrated by the entrance of sin into the world is to dethrone God. Some would have us to believe that God was taken by surprise when Adam sinned in the garden and that he is now trying to remedy and correct this unforeseen calamity in his creation. Such a notion is degrading to the character of God. It brings the Most High God down to the level of erring mortals. We are told that man is a free moral agent, that he is the determiner of his own destiny and that he has the power to resist God and hold the Almighty in check. Such a blasphemous notion would strip God of his attribute of omnipotence. Men would have us to believe that man has burst the bounds originally set by God and that God is now a spectator, more or less without power over the sin and suffering brought into the world by the fall of Adam. But such doctrine is in direct contradiction of Holy Scripture. It is written in the Word of God: "surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain" (Ps. 76:10). To put it very plainly, to deny the sovereignty of God in all things is either to make God what you want him to be, which is idolatry, or it is to enter upon a path which, if logically followed, must bring you to atheism.
My friend, the sovereignty of the God of the Bible is absolute, irresistible and infinite. In declaring God's sovereignty, I am simply affirming his right as God to govern this universe, which he has created for his own glory, just as he pleases. He is the Potter; we are the clay. We have no more power over God than clay has over the potter. God moulds the clay of Adam's race into whatever form he chooses. From the lump of fallen humanity, he makes one vessel unto honor and another into dishonor. This is his right. He is God. He is under no law, rule, or power beyond his own sovereign will and holy nature. He is God.
from Don Fortner's Grace for Today for October 13.
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