Speed seldom is as important as direction. An individual could be traveling at a very high speed but going in the wrong direction and never get to the right destination. Whereas another person traveling at a substantially slower speed, but in the right direction, would eventually reach the correct destination.
Make sure that you're going the right way!
Have a good day!
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by me.
(John 14:6)
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way,".... Our Lord takes the opportunity of this discourse about the place he was going to, and the way unto it, more fully to instruct his disciples concerning himself, saying, "I am the way"; Christ is not merely the way, as he goes before his people as an example; or merely as a prophet, pointing out unto them by his doctrine the way of salvation; but he is the way of salvation itself by his obedience and sacrifice; nor is there any other; he is the way of his Father's appointing, and which is entirely agreeable to the perfections of God, and suitable to the case and condition of sinners; he is the way to all the blessings of the covenant of grace; and he is the right way into a Gospel church state here; no one comes rightly into a church of Christ but by faith in him; and he is the way to heaven: he is entered into it himself by his own blood, and has opened the way to it through himself for his people:
-from John Gill's commentary
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