Our faith rests entirely upon the Word of God. If it could ever be proved that the Bible is no the inspired, inerrant Word of God, then the gospel of Christ would be proved false. But the infidel, though he may scoff, cannot ever produce such proof. The fact that the Bible stands today shatters every argument of those skeptics who deny that the Bible is the Word of God.
This blessed book is the greatest standing miracle in the world today. Just think of this: there was never an order given to any man to plan the writing of this volume. Nor was there any concerted effort on the part of men to write it. Under the sovereign direction of the Holy Spirit, the Bible gradually developed over a period of 1600 years. Little by little, part by part, century by century, it came out in parts and fragments. It was written on two continents, in countries hundreds of miles apart. It was written in three languages - Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. And it was written by scores of men, from every possible background variation. Yet it stands as one unified volume.
This is a book with one message. It contains one system of doctrine, one plan of salvation, one principle of conduct and once rule of faith. The one message of the Bible is that of redemption by the shed blood of Christ. Substitution is stamped upon every page. Everything in the Bible points to Christ and his substitutionary work.
There are historical statements in the Bible that could not have been known except by revelation: the account of creation, the decrees of God, the covenant of grace. And there are doctrines taught in the Bible which no human mind ever devised: the character of the triune God, the incarnation of Christ, substitutionary atonement. Add to this the perfect accuracy of the prophecies of the Bible adn their evident fulfillment. I say there can be but one rational explanation for the existence of this divine book: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." "Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." Without question, this is the Word of God!
(From Don Fortner's Grace for Today for April 12.
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