This Sunday we observe Valentine's Day. I wonder if this wasn't created by the florists and card companies? On this day, individuals will usually express some feelings toward another with flowers, cards, and/or gifts. It is a shame that some only express their love on this special day of the year.
In reality, what is love?
-It's more than the exchange of cards and gifts.
-It's more than an occasional verbal "I love you."
-It's more than a physical relationship.
According to Webster's, "love" is:
"a strong affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or persons."
True love has no limits, it only looks for outlets.
I'm afraid that we have been deceived (by TV, books, movies, music, etc.) into thinking that love is strictly physical and emotional attachment.
Love is selfless and not personal gratification.
-It is giving and not taking.
-It is seeking the welfare and betterment of the one(s) loved.
The greatest display of true love is, of course, Christ!
-He willingly gave up His eternal glory to become flesh.
-He subjected Himself willingly to the role of a servant.
-He purposefully and deliberately gave Himself to the pains of suffering and death.
That's real love!
Have a good day!
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