...how do you determine what is excellent? What's the standard? Who decides?
Ultimately, God does. And He, in His infinite goodness and mercy, has given His people a firm place to stand. And where that ground has been staked out, our children can proceed in the pursuit of truth that is True Truth, as Francis Schaeffer called it, not what's merely "true for you," or "true for me." And they can pursue True Goodness that provides a fixed moral compass, not mere "values" that change as people and societies change. And true beauty, with standards that are grounded in God's own works and in His very nature, vs mere personal preferences. Our children are never in a better position to reach higher than when looking up - looking up to God and what He has revealed in His Word and in the Lord Jesus Christ.
(excerpt from a speech given by Paul Brinkerhoff at the Mars Hill Academy Vision Banquet, Oct.16, 2009)
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