benefits and blessings. Throughout the history of our land, people gather
together with family and friends and for various reasons expresses some
realm of gratitude.
I am reminded of the Biblical characters expressing praise and blessings
toward God for the repeated manifestations of His goodness and mercies. The Psalmist David was one who wrote so many matters of praise and adoration to God; in spite of continual hard aches, demonstrations of enemies, rebellions from family members, and repeated attacks upon his spirit and very life. Late in his life, David communes within himself and encourages his very being to bless the Lord. Three times in Psalm 103 he writes, "Bless the Lord, O my soul." Do you not imagine that this is of great importance? It is the Lord that is to be blessed and spoken well of, for He is the fountain of all good. But to return praises to God, there must be a grateful
remembrance of the mercies we have received from Him.
We often praise, bless, and adore God for the benefits given us, those jewels of mercies. The material growth, the healing of a sick one, the protection from danger, good relationship with loved once, etc. are often at the top of the list when we come to such a time as Thanksgiving. I am convinced however, that before we can bless the Lord for His blessings we must first be brought to consider Him and His very being. We must praise God for whom He is! He and He alone is the Sovereign of the universe. Only He is worthy of all praise and glory.
We often hold a gift valuable, regardless of the financial value, when it comes from someone whom we cherish. I am reminded of a special time when my Mother gave each of the six of us kids a special gift. This was a time following one of her surgeries. A time when we were fearful of what might happen to her. To me; she gave cuff links and a special letter. Both are precious to me even today, because it was a demonstration of her love.
Blessing God should be more than mere words. It should arise from the heart. Gratitude produces reverence to Him, not only as God, but Heavenly Father.
How do we bless the Lord?
1. Believe Him: This is more than just saying, "I believe". This is truly faith. Accepting Him and His word with total and complete reliance. Trusting that He will do me good and has me in mind at all times. I cannot think of any greater form of respect that a child can give to a parent than that of trust.
2. Praise Him: Speak highly of Him with conviction of heart. Lifting up of Him and His name. Be careful so as not to bring any type of disgrace toward Him by questioning, murmuring, complaining, or disbelieving.
3. Thank Him: How often we ask and beg, only to forget to express gratitude. With an awareness of our sin and lack of faith, any act of mercy given us from Him is more than we deserve. Should we not express our thanks?
4. Serve Him: Surrender to Him and His will. Make it a point that whatever we do, that it is honestly and pointedly desirable for His glory and furtherance of His kingdom. Do whatever we can.
I trust that you will stop long enough to "Bless the Lord, O my soul" this day of Thanksgiving.
Have a good day!