O What a Paradox I Feel — Don Fortner and D. M. Blake
1. Two armies war within my soul; —
Both flesh and spirit seek control.
Both grace and sin resolv’d to reign,
This daily war within maintain.
2. Grace bids me seek the Lord in prayer,
Though sin would drive me to despair.
Sin drags me downward to the earth,
While grace uplifts by heav’nly birth.
3. The spirit truly loves the Lord,
His house, His people and His Word;
But, still, my heart with sin is tried.
The flesh will never step aside!
4. Grace fills my soul with heav’nly joys;
But sin my happiness annoys.
Though sin’s resolv’ed to hold me fast,
Grace shall prevail o’er sin at last!
5. O what a paradox I feel
A heart of flesh a heart of steel
In love with sin, with sin at war
Myself I love, myself abhor.
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