(Micah 4:5)
All people will walk every one in the name of his god, will own their god and cleave to him, will worship their god and serve him, will depend upon him and put confidence in him. Whatever men make a god of they will make use of, and take his name along with them in all their actions and affairs....
How constant God's people now resolve to be to him: “We will walk in the name of the Lord our God, will acknowledge him in all our ways, and govern ourselves by a continual regard to him, doing nothing but what we have warrant from him for, and openly professing our relation to him.” Observe, Their resolution is peremptory; it is not a thing that needs be disputed: “We will walk in the name of the Lord our God.” It is just and reasonable: He is our God. And it is a resolution for a perpetuity: “We will do it for ever and ever, and will never leave him. He will be ours for ever, and therefore so we will be his, and never repent our choice.”
-Matthew Henry (1662-1714)
The "gods" spoken of here do not pertain only to the graven images worshiped in the biblical time of Micah, and still exist somewhat today. But rather, what "gods" rule your life? Upon what "gods" do you cleave, serve, depend, and to whom or what do you put all of your confidence? Is it money, image, job, material possessions, entertainment, earthly pleasures? There is only one God upon whom dependence will reap rewards everlasting!
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