Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday, Eloise!

July 30, 2002

My Little Eloise,

WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

So today you made your appearance into this beautiful world of life. Even though you did not make the headline news reports, your entrance is most significant and wonderful.

To be able to look at you, made this middle-aged man be in awe at the gift that God has given. You filled my heart with such unspeakable words of joy, happiness, and gratitude. The miracle of life is most vivid when two people who love each other are enabled to "do good" and produce a lovely child.

Yes, those were tears that you saw. Tears expressing what I really cannot express to you in words. How thankful I am for your safe delivery and appartent good health. I am truly a blessed man! God has been so very good to me. He has given me a good wife, great children, a wonderful son-in-law and now, you. I do thank Him.

In addition, I do pray for you. Long before you were born, I began to pray that my Heavenly Father would be with you and develop you. Now that you have finished the journey of birth and today begin the journey of life, I still pray for you. With gratitude, I have numerous times this day said, "Thanks!" More than that, I have and will continue to ask for God's directive hand upon you. I pray that He will give a guiding hand to your parents in leading you through life. That God will protect you and keep you safe. That He will help you when you're down and keep you humble when you're up. My main prayer is that He will be pleased to give you mercy and grace and make you one of His own.

You have been born into a great family. As you grow up, I hope that you will be able to understand and appreciate this fact. As you grow, I do hope that you take some characteristics and personality traits that will cause you to be a most pleasant girl, young lady, and grown woman. You will be engulfed with love and attention from so many. You will never have to worry about being alone. With all of the Augustines, Blakes, Campbells and Careys, the number of aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and oh yes, parents, you will be amazed with the large number of people that will give you attention and love.

I hope that you can learn from your Mother, the importance of education and dedication to achieving a set goal. Also, learn from her the importance of friends and being friendly. Your Mother has many friends that have remained so even after years of being somewhat separated. This is a direct result of devotion and dedication to each other. To have many friends, truly good friends, you must first learn to be friendly yourself. Learn to share and be generous.

Your Dad will teach you to be thrifty and dedicated to the many tasks of life. Watch him and learn how to be devoted to his family and loved ones. Learn the importance of doing what is right through him. He can teach you how to work, yet enjoy it.

Your Nana can teach you to be hospitable. She has always enjoyed opening her home to friends and family. Learn from her how to share and fellowship with others. She also has the ability to joke and be the end of jokes most graciously. Learn not to be offended and become bitter when someones makes fun of you or with you. As you get older, she can also teach you the act of shopping, buying, and returning things bought.

Grandma Katy can teach you the arts. You can learn from her how to become strong even in the midst of trials and troubles. You must know that everything in life will not be pleasant and enjoyable, but that you must go on and depend upon God, family and friends. She can truly help you. I am sorry that you will not get to know your grandfather Augustine. What little I know of him, I know that you would have appreciated his love and dedication to his family, the Lord, and work. Get to know him by asking your Dad.

There is Granny and Papaw Blake. How I wish that you could have known them both in their prime. Granny could really teach you how to cook and make the most out of nothing. Papaw could teach you the little things of enjoyment in life. Take time to appreciate the smallest benefits of God's goodness in the earth. Papaw is by far the godliest man I have ever known. If you could learn the appreciation of poetry and reading from him , you will be enriched.

Your uncle Michael can teach you how to enjoy life and the enjoyment of friends. I do not know which one of you will be the biggest child. Help him grow up! Be careful, because he might use you as a "chick magnet." In all seriousness, he is a lot of fun.

Grandma and Grandpa Campbell can show you hard work and great family ties. They have been able to keep all your uncles, aunts, grandfather, and many cousins together for many years. They will not interfere much in your life but will be a strong silent support. Learn from them.

Me? What can I teach you? I have been asking myself that for the past 9 months and still I do not have adequate answers to those questions. I do know that I can learn to spoil you, yet with some restraint.

As you go through life, I do pray that His Spirit will lead you and that you will be pleasant, helpful, kind, friendly, and generous to and toward others. Learn to share and give to those without. Learn to take time and appreciate the small things of life. Apply yourself to be the best that you can be. Above all, I trust that you will grow to see the need of God and total dependence upon Him.

It is with these thoughts and emotions that I welcome you this day into life.

My great love toward you,

Thank you for 7 years, my boo baby! I trust that you will have the happiest of days today!


  1. *sniff, sniff*
    I have tears running down my face. Thanks for sharing this letter, and the pictures as well.

    allison :)

  2. Happy Birthday, Eloise!! Have a great day!!

  3. Me too! What a wonderful letter. Happy Birthday Eloise!


  4. Wow! ...bawling also...

    That was amazing.....

    The part about your mom shopping and returning items is hilarious. E. being a chick magnet... I was crying and then laughing.

  5. You have cute little kids.. It'e a good thing to know that there are people who still care and thinking of preparing a party for their kid. Even how simple it is.. Your kids will surely love it.

