The other night as I was running, I was going south on 3rd Street. A truck pulled to the stop sign at 3rd & Green. He blocked my path so I went behind him. I noticed that he turned left (wrong way) into the north bound traffic. Cars had to stop and horns started blowing. I yelled at the driver to inform him of his wrong direction. He finally stopped about a block later and turned around. His mistake was that he failed to follow directional signs.
You be careful of your direction!
"In the way of righteousness is life..." (Prov 12:28)
Have a good day!
"One that is in the true way of righteousness is one that is instilled by the righteousness of Christ, which justification is the justification of life: such an one is made alive, and reckons himself alive in a law sense; and enjoys true spiritual peace and comfort, arising from the love and favour of God, and acceptance with him, in which he sees his interest, and in which is life; and this righteousness, by which he is justified before God, entitles him to eternal life; to which the path of holiness, he is directed and enabled to walk in, leads; though it is a narrow way, and a strait gate (Matt 7:14). Christ, and righteousness and holiness in and by him, are the way, the truth, and the life, or the true way to eternal life; and all in this way now live spiritually, and shall live eternally (John 14:6)." (commentary by John Gill, 1697-1771)
This is encouraging as I am so 'prone to wander'.