There is but one book that changes not and is as much benefit today as it was hundreds of years ago.
II Timothy 3:16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness..."
In it, you'll find all the instruction you need on the journey of life.
Have a good day -
Holy Bible, Book Divine
(John Burton, Sr., 1773-1822)
Holy Bible, Book Divine,
Precious Treasure, Thou art mine:
Mine to tell me whence I came;
Mine to teach me what I am.
Mine to chide me when I rove,
Mine to show a Savior's love;
Mine thou art to guide and guard;
Mine to punish or reward.
Mine to comfort in distress,
Suff'ring in this wilderness;
Mine to show, by living faith,
We can triumph over death.
Mine to tell of joys to come,
And the rebel sinner's doom:
O thou holy Book divine,
Precious treasure, thou art mine.
Hey Michelle! Thank you for sharing these letters with the rest of us. They have been an encouragement each day.
ReplyDeleteI saw your list of music you enjoy, and I thought I would make a recommendation. Keith and Kristyn Getty are Christian songwriters that are just beginning to become well-known. I don't know if you sing "In Christ Alone" at your church, but that is one of their more popular songs. One of my favorites is "Power of the Cross." Their music has such a good message, and it's different than today's "typical" Christian music. Just a recommendation!